CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, January 27, 2012

MAUI- Local Food Continues

Sam Choy made Poke an international dish, Poke (Po keh).

What is it? It's cubed raw fish, generally it's Ahi or Yellow Fin tuna, and mixed up with soy sauce, onions, kukui nut, oils, ginger, garlic, and the list goes on and on as more chefs from different backgrounds start to make Poke their own.

So if you love raw fish, sashimi, sushi and the like go and find some Poke, and that'll make you sort of like one of us. 

When we were growing up, we made Poke, and now you can find a lot of it at supermarkets, and even restaurants.

Poke, go and find it, I'm sure you'll love it, but if the cubed fish looks cloudy, then it's probably old.

Poke Limu (raw fish with seaweed)

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