CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The wine term of the day is tannin, it is defined as a strong taste, kind of woody ha ha, no not that kind of woody, let's not go there. But bitter would be more like it, such as a strong cup of tea, or when you accidentally bite into a seed of a fruit, yeah you get the picture.

So when some wine bozo is talking like this, "This 2008 Merlot is fruity, yet the tannins are somewhat strong, this bottle is less sweeter than the 2007 Merlot from Dickhead's winery just outside of Monterey." Well I don't know if that's how they'll be speaking, but something like that.

Tannin= that bitter taste, that strong tea kind of taste, why can't they just say it in simpler terms I have no idea, so there you have it. Tannins.

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