CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 2, 2012

MAUI- Filipino Food A Part of Local Plates Hog Blood :)

Photo: wikipedia

The Filipino people brought with them their style of cooking, and over many years, their cuisine is gaining popularity with people from around the world. One of the most popular of dishes at parties, and at local Filipino digs is a dish made with hog's blood, hog's liver, belly pork, garlic, oil, bay leaf, chives, vinegar, salt, it is called Dinuguan (dee noo goo ahn) and if you closed your eyes, you wouldn't think that you were eating cooked hog's blood. But the blood adds this unique flavor to the dish, of course vegans will puke if you put this in front of them. I've known people who would never eat this dish, only to sample it a few times and thought it was delicious once they got past the blood thing... I don't eat this, I used to, but not anymore it is too rich and fattening, high in cholesterol, but if you like rich food try this out. Ask for Brown Meat, or Halloween Blood Stew, or Chocolate Meat.


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