CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Serving you with quality is my mission, only the best products will be shopped for, working with you the client will be the key to an awesome meal. Lately there's so many people coming up to me and asking for recipes to help them with diabetes, if we work together and understand your taste buds I bet we can tailor a meal just right and "Ono" or delicious!

I will be adding more information, check on the right side for titles that you will be interested in, I am working on more for menus, so keep in touch, also if you have any suggestions, contact me and let me know, you might have seen something or read about a particular dish that stood out for some reason, it's all good, I like that, we work together and learn as we go on in life. I can't make you an awesome meal if I don't understand you the client.


CHECK LUNCH MENUS for a small get together

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