CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hey we all want to learn the finer things about wine don't we? Of course we do, food and wine is an essential when you want to impress a date, or clients.

I can schedule a tour with some of the most respected wine experts in the area, I'll accompany you and we'll learn together on what is in in wines, and other liquors.

This is an all day excursion call ahead of time to schedule a very educational tour.

We will:

1. Meet a wine expert and learn about the different wines on the market, how to purchase, store and utilize the right wines. And also how to pronounce the names of wines so when you are trying to impress your date or client at a restaurant you'll sound like a seasoned pro!
2. We will have a meal at a very upscale restaurant, and have a dish with the right wine selection.
3. We will visit a local book store and look at books on wines.
4. Then we will have a look at cheeses and how wines work well with cheeses.

Believe me, everytime I go on one of these I learn something new all of the time

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