CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, August 27, 2010


The Photo by Sascha Alexander, for the food book RON SAMBRANO FOODOLOGIST "For My Foodie Boodies"

Model Rachael Joy taking a bite out of some roasted chicken. The book hopefully will be done by the end of this Autumn and will be printed in time for the holidays or after. The concept is a food book dedicated to new foodies, hence the title For My Foodie Boodies. Foodie is a food enthusiast, boodie is my deifinition of babies or intermediates. The book will feature very simplistic recipes one can make from almost scratch, beef, chicken, seafood, pork, for a 7 day week. Easy entrees only for the beginning foodie, later they can delve into more sophisticated dishes. My idea is to create a little food bible for the new foodies, and I will write more food books later, this book coming out is great for the single person wanting to cook and eat favorite meals that they thought was way too diffficult. Hopefully all things will work out so the book with the picture above as the cover will be on your bookshelf or e-reader soon.

Special guest Chef Mark Ellman has a recipe inside as well, Barbara Cobey Mixologist trained at the Wynn Resorts also has a fasinating story of her life in the F&B biz. as well as some mixed drink concoctions for you party happy people who love toasting the night away. Hopefully there will be more chef friends that will grace the pages of the book, stay in the loop.


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