CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Type 1 Diabetes, also known as Juvenile Diabetes is caused when the body doesn't produce insulin, insulin helps the body take sugar and moves it to parts of the body for energy, without insulin, the sugar stays in the blood stream and causes damage to the arteries and other organs.

Type 2 Diabetes the most common among American adults is when the pancreas produces insulin but the insulin doesn't do its job properly, likened to having employees show up at a job but they don't do the work they're supposed to.

Nearly 27 million Americans have Diabetes, which is also the culprit in Hypertension, and Heart Disease.

Eating healthy does not mean you as a Diabetic have to eat boring foods, you can eat healthy but delicious meals as well, you'll have to learn to acquire new tastes. Utilizing artificial sweeteners, or other natural and organic sources for sweeteners is a must to keep your glycemic levels down.

Portioning your foods: On your plate, have 3/4 of it with natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and 1/4 for a lean meat or vegan substitute like Setan or Tofu. It takes time to learn to eat in a new and healthy way.

Call me for any healthy cooking
Chef Ron 808-385-7667

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