CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


For you foodies out there who aren't familiar with Italian cuisine, anitpasti simply means before the meal, so in simple terms call it appetizers, it can be anything used as an appetizer, but don't say that to a true Italian, you'll get up one morning to find a dead horse's head next to you.

But true antipasti may consist of these items, sometimes called antipasto.

Warm citrus olives
Marinated roasted peppers
Prociutto wrapped fruits like melons or figs
An variety of cured meast such as salami, mortadella, and bresaola
With aged Pecorino cheese.

Served with ready made or homemade dips, and bread sticks or herbed crackers. If you have a gourmet store near you, usually these places have great items to make an antipasto platter.

A chef stands behind a Mortadella (a pork sausage)

Pecorino Cheese or Sheep's milk cheese, pecora means sheep

Need some antipasto/antipasti platters put together?
Call me Ron Sambrano

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