CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Okay newbies to the foodie world, want to know what exactly is foie gras? Well, how da hell do you pronounce this? I've heard so called experts call it Fo Grahz, Foy Grah, Foh Grrrraz. Whatevers man you get my drift?

It is primarily duck or goose livers that is fattened, that's all it is. It is sold like, how should I say it, well like a sausage almost, you know? Like when you buy a roll of Jimmy Dean, and then you slice it. well same smell.

Chefs sear it, and create all kinds of sauces made with butter, herbs and wine, and make it look really fancy, it's a gourmet thing. Usually in fine dining restaurants you'll find foie gras. Here's a picture of it.

Want Foie Gras at home call me:
Ron S 808-385-7667

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