CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, December 5, 2010


SAFETY WITH KNIVES: Always keep your knives sharp, using a stone to sharpen it, and a steel to keep it maintained. But dull knives are the culprit of many a sliced off of  skin on hands and fingers in pro kitchens and home as well.

If you aren't proficient with a knife, get a trained cook or chef to teach you how to use a kitchen knife, learn the techniques of different cuts, such as chopping, dicing, slicing etc. Find quality knives that suits your hands perfectly, the average home cook does not need a 12 inch knife, in fact a home cook needs a 7 inch kitchen or chef's knife, a paring knife, a vegetable knife, a bread knife, and maybe a Chinese cleaver for hacking bones. That's all one really needs, even in pro kitchens these days, lots of chefs are ordering meats that are already cut and sliced and ready to be seasoned.

My favorite 7 inch Santoku

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