CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The end of 2010 is a few days away, and for some it's a struggle, and they don't make New Year's resolutions, all they are praying for is work, shelter, food. Gone are the days of relying on your employer, people have awaken to the fact that yes, "my job could be gone today as soon as I clock out!" Or it's already in the rear view mirror.

On Maui and in many parts of this country, people are starving, why? No money to buy the necessities of life. I met a local guy on the bus several months ago, he and his wife are about to be homeless. His family can't house his own family, he doesn't want to stress others out. Sometimes I see him with a fishing pole, and his clothes are looking a tad worn out.

As 2011 approaches, if you believe in a higher being, one that controls good, and stamps out evil if we call out to it, be it God, or the great keeper of the universe, let's all meditate, that good will come to those who are good.

It could be you or me, without anything, only hope, and that seems to be running thin. Hope. Old school Hawaii, people always shared with each other, everything. Life was simple. Seems like now, with all the turmoil in this world, we should keep it simple, respectful, loving your neighbors, and taking care of each others needs. Be good people, and just stay away from the bad.

Food is scarce in many homes, let's pull together, and start a revolution, teaching kids to fish, farm, hunt. Teach saving resources not wasting. Fuel is going to be an up and down thing on the price scale from now until we die, oil is going to dry up sometime, many countries want oil, it will get higher in price. Food will cost more. Gone are the days when we here on Maui should rely on Matson for our food deliveries. People can't starve, it is against God's will, no one should starve.

We should take a proactive approach, and learn how to grow our own foods, learn how to share knowledge, learn to survive without the politics. We have to wake up to the fact that the local brother I am talking about that lost his job and can't get work, can be me someday if things get really really bad. It is now, to work together so that there will be no person, man, woman or child, that will stand on the street corner starving. This is America, Hawaii, the leaders in the free world, how dare our own people starve. They can't, it is against God's laws. No one shall starve, absolutely positively no one.

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