CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


If you are in the mood for some Japanese style, call and maybe some Sukiyaki and some warm Sake. Rice, Japanese Noodle Salads, and Japanese desserts.

Sukiyaki Beef with veggies.

Thinly sliced beef is sauteed in a hot skillet, generally
at the table where diners share. The thin slices of
beef is cooked first, and then the sukiyaki sauce is added
to the pan, then the cooked slices of beef are
dipped in some raw beaten eggs, and the diner
eats it with rice and veggies. The veggies are
all cut thin into bite size pieces, and there are
also at times when available, rice noodles or
Shirataki noodles made from yams. Also tofu
is part o the dish. The sauce resembles
teriyaki in a sense, with soy sauce, sugar,
sake, water, and Japanese rice wine.

Ron Sambrano

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