CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, December 16, 2010


The Village Cafe and Sweet Shoppe, had a soft opening today, and I was invited along with my buddy Sascha Bauml. The place is located inside the Kapalua Village Center, where the Logo Shop, and the Adventure Center is at, and the Kapalua Villas Reception Center is located there as well. Formerly it was the home of the Village Golf Course pro shop, and Vino Restaurant.

Well, what can I tell you about the place? For one, it is still under some construction, so we had to focus on the food and service for what it was, with the noise, and imperfections of a food  dig that is under ... construction. Okay, our reservations were at 3pm, and for those of you military enthusiasts that's 15:00 on your clock. Sascha and I walk in there, and we had to walk in to be noticed because of the busy nature of setting up a restaurant. We are greeted by a young guy, he gets us a seat. We had to wait for a few minutes, no problem. Hey that's my friend Tommy Ompoi the electrician wiring the joint, "Eh Tommy?" Tommy makes a shaka. "Sup?"

Then after a few a waiter comes over, "Hey guys I'm Justin, I'm your waiter, here's a menu, and some water, take some time to look this over, and I'll be back to take your order." "Shoots bradda Justin, tanks eh?" Sascha and I look over the menu, I see some friends in there as well, all invited to get a free meal, and to critique the restaurant. My friend Lance is there with his kids, cool! And my buddy Jess is there cool. Man and there's Nancy Cross with her girlfriends, shut up Ron, she sees you but not making eye contact, she doesn't want the girls to know, that she knows you, might cramp her style. Cool, coz I do the same with certain people, we all do that from time to time.

Okay back to the menu, "Hey man I think I'll get these sliders," says Sascha. I said, "I think I'll get me some of them crab cakes." Then Justin comes back, "Guys you ready?"

Well, long story short so I don't bore you to death, we ordered just that, sliders, and the crab cakes. Justin told us if we wanted to order the main entree, we could. So we did, Sascha had the fish n chips with a jalapeno tartar sauce all in house made, and I ordered the brisket with bbq sauce and mash potatoes, all sauces are in house made.

We graded the appetizers first.

Sascha: Sliders are okay, mahi slider okay, black angus a little salty.

Ron: The crab cakes are awesome, great sauce, not too strong, kind of mild but delicious!

Sascha: Ron may get gout, crab is a crustacean.

Ron: Holy shit! I may get gout, but it was good!

Then we graded the entrees:

Sascha: Fish n chips are delicious, batter is great, fish is moist on the inside, the jalapeno tartar sauce could have more kick, but all in all, it's great.

Ron: The brisket is soft, and has some delicious fat on this thing, and man the mash potatoes are really creamy but not heavy, and the barbeque sauce is nice not too sweet, man I wish I had more room in my stomach for all this.

Sascha: (He stabs some of the brisket from my plate) Hey man this is good stuff, I should have ordered this!

Ron: Overall experience this place is going to do well, it really is a homely kind of dig, the sweet shoppe wasn't ready yet, but Justin told us, they got some good stuff like a cobbler, and me loves me cobblers.

The servers were great, we met Kelly who gave us more sodas and water, she looked way too familiar, come to find out she lives in our hood, no wonder we probably pass by each other a bit. So yes this place rocks in our books, and well our books aren't too thick just yet, but you all wait, we'll be checking out some digs for all of you foodies.

Crab Cakes in an awesome sauce

Fish n Chips w/ Jalapeno Tartar Sauce

Beef Brisket w/ BBQ Sauce & Mash Potatoes

Sascha getting nuts over the grinez, EZ BUDDY!

Until we meet at another food dig.
Mahalo, Ron Sambrano


  1. Aloha folks! I had the privilege of critiquing food with Chef Ron today and I'm digging this gig tho I probably gonna put on some pounds doing this gig :) Many mahalos for the invite and looking forward to the video portion of this day!

  2. Here's the link to our video:

