CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


How long has the egg been around? Who da F... knows! Who ate the first egg? What kind of a dumb ass question is dat?! Are chicken eggs consumed in every country? F... if I know, I got my own problems junior! Okay? Good! Shut up, I'll tell you a story of egg, or eggz. Whatever man!

Humans consume shit loads of eggs yearly or annually, besides chicken eggs, we consume ostrich eggs, or even duck eggs. The Filipinos eat Balut (Ba Loot) which is basically speaking an aborted duck egg or chicken egg, it's pretty sick man, but it is a delicacy, for who? Not me really but I respect peoples love for well... aborted eggs. I mean if you like sucking eggs or embryos. Not what I call egg eating, I like mine in an omelet style with some ham and cheese maybe. Go to youtube and type in How To Eat a Balut Egg, then see for yourself.

What's the story behind Balut? Well, like I was saying the Filipinos love eating Balut, and friends of mine that are into exotic fare love it as well, I got some white friends that love it, and I'm a Filipino, and can't eat that. It's like being Japanese and not eat sashimi, or drink sake. Or being from Philly and not eat a cheese steak sandwich.

The story behind balut is this, I guess that it was picked up in poor villages right? I mean if they had money, they'd go and buy some rib eye or something, maybe some t-bone steak, but you got to be poor to eat stuff like this. What was it, some guy was hungry and decided to kill some ducks in the egg? "Hey I want to eat, I am hungry, I'll kill these eggs and suck it out, mmm." I can't eat Balut, maybe I'm not Filipino, maybe I'm some other person in a Filipino body.

But  balut isn't for me man, sorry my fellow countrymen, balut is out of the equation, get me a Personal Pan Pizza from PH, or a cutlet from Applebees. Balut? Man can't handle that one. I have an easier time eating opihi off of the rocks in Hawaii at the beach in the ocean, so why can't I eat balut? Just can't. That's all I can say. But if you want to try it, go and be my guest. If I get invited to a Filipino home and they serve balut? I make like someone is calling me on my cell phone, and excuse myself, "Ah my house is on fire, gotta go."

Below Balut (Ba Loot) Aborted duck or chicken eggs


  1. LMAO you're hilarious and this article made my day

  2. that looks cooked
