CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am not, I repeat not a wine afficionado, in fact I don't really like wine, unless someone is turning me on to it at a party, I'll get ripped on it. In fact the last time I had wine was at my partner and his girlfriend's house, Sascha and Christine's for Christmas, I tanked a whole bottle of Cab by myself, I felt pretty good, the wine was actually smooth and kind of sweet.

You don't need to be a wine expert to enjoy wine...okay I don't hate wine, but wine is okay for some occasions, and the pundits say, if you're eating a nice thick and juicy piece of beef, a red wine should be the choice, not a white wine which supposedly rhymes with fish, or lighter meats. So is an inexpensive bottle of red wine, a Cabernet Sauvignon good to go with beef? According to Chuck Furuya a sommelier inexpensive reds can go a long way, especially in these economic times. But what the hell do I know? I'll serve grape juice with a steak and be happy with that.

Just don't get intimidated by those fu fu foodies out there that think they know it all because they watch the Travel Channel, and they can speak French, you know what I do with those idiots? You got it man, I let the air out of their tires when they're inside talking about vineyards in Italy.


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