CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There's nothing like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, nice light brown cookies that is chewy, sweet, and with lots of delicious chocolate chips. Okay my friends that smoke weed, I'm not talking Marijuana Chocolate Chip Cookies okay? I'm talking good, clean, no mind altering drugs in the cookie mix, just good, down home cookies that the whole family can enjoy. Is it easy to make and bake? Sure is, I can help you get started. First of all you'll need some cookie ingredients, and I'll get to that in a second. I just want to talk about my personal history with chocolate chips.

My sister Joyce would bake chocolate chip cookies for me when I was a little kid, she was already in high school, so she was old enough to play with the stove, a gas stove that is, thank God she didn't blow up, or else she'd never make those awesome chewy cookies. Actually she ripped off the recipe in the back of the Nestle's bag, like everyone else, she did tweak it I think, if not that frickin recipe kills man, still does. But me and that cookie mix were a marriage made in heaven, she'd whack my fingers when I stuck them in the mixing bowl to nail a few spoonfuls, raw cookies are great, that's why ice cream makers put that shit into their ice cream.

So man, here is my tweaked out Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix Recipe.

2  1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 sticks unsalted butter softened
2 cups raw brown sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1/2 cup mashed bananas
1/4 cup safflower oil
2 cups of organic chocolate chips
(Now this is actually the Nestle's recipe, TWEEEEEEAKED BY ME)

First preheat that dang oven to 375 deg. F.
Lightly grease a cookie sheet with Pam or any nonstick, or parchment paper greased
1. In a mixing bowl, mix all of the ingredients in order,
2. Using a tablespoon, spoon it and form a ball of the mixture and place them in rows on the cookie sheet, allowing about 4 inches between rows.
3. Bake the cookies for about 9 minutes, maybe 10, remove and let cool on a cookie rack.

The safflower oil, and bananas helps make these gewy. Geweeeeee. Gooo Weeee. Gooo WEEe
get it? Good luck on your freeking cookie endeavors!

Ooooo look at dat Foodies :)))))

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