CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, January 13, 2011


There's a lack of home cooking diners on Maui, I mean a really cool place that's open late, that serves out of your mind good good food. There a places people go to in Wailuku and Kahului, and I don't need to name these places because they're good, no complaints really. But I guess this isn't Honolulu, or Vegas, or any big city where food can be eaten at any time of the day. I'd like to have an awesome diner in Lahaina, where friends can get together and eat saimin, chow fun, or a juicy T-bone steak at 1:00 am. But there's non, zero.

If I was a business man with lots of cash, I'd open up a joint, a good size joint that can seat at least 70 people, booths, and some stools for counter service, maybe 12 right in a row, and this place I envision will have monitors where the customers can watch the cooks in action, and the cooks have to put on a show, well, maybe not tossing knives and standing on their heads to cook an omelet, but to smile, and just make the customers happy. They'd have a microphone, and if Judy wants a Loco Moco, the cooks will make it, and maybe do a play by play such as: "Hi Judy, I got the egg right here in the pan, and its coming, its coming, and it slid on top of that juicy Maui Cattle Company's burger, and here comes the homemade brown gravy Judy!" I bet the cooks be making some tips, for one thing it won't be boring. But I can see some guy telling the cooks to shut up and just cook the damned food. Oh well, just a thought.

My diner would be simple, the menu simple, the decor simple, nothing fancy, just simple good food where people can come in and relax and talk story. Got to have a juke box, got to have music playing in there. No live bands, no live guitar dude, just a simple place to eat.

How many times, parents just want to converse with friends, and eat maybe a pie, and have coffee, or just a sandwich or spaghetti, ice cream,  and maybe some stir fry or soup. A diner like this is kind of old school, but to me, there's nothing wrong with old school diners. Simplistics can't be found these days, people want to be complicated, why? Don't we want simple any more?

I'd like to eat a homemade apple pie once in a while, and see the local people enjoying what I'm enjoying, maybe not an apple pie, but a casual evening out, eating simple food, what's wrong with that man? Someone open a diner like this, where junior can eat an egg salad sandwich, and Sara the vegan can eat an avacado raw pie, uncle Freddy can eat a juicy steak with sauteed onions, Al can eat the meatloaf. There's no place like this in Lahaina, none whatsoever.

Okay I'll draw up a business plan and see what comes of it- would be nice to own a joint like this, and put people to work, especially local teens, set them on a right track, cater to the everyday folks if you know what I mean, and I know I can come up with food that can kick IHOPs ass! I'll call in RHOP, Ron's House of Peeps.

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