CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Potato chips have been around since potatoes were grown, and cooking oil and a pot was invented I figure that's a long time, seriously long! Nothing like a fresh cooked batch of potato chips, seasoned just right, sea salt, some black pepper, some onion powder, and you've go a home batch of potato chips. Cooking on your own is fun, and foodies are taking to the kitchen in record numbers, foodies are holding cooking contests in their homes, condos, apartments, and from what I hear it is huge. Think of games in the past that brought adults together, ping pong in the garage, darts, pool, poker, well, how about chess, backgammon, and many other fun stuff people may have dreamed up. But foodies, or food enthusiasts are getting into it, roasting contests, stir frying contests, baking contests, drink making contests, it is happening foodie, as you read this, there is an underground bunch of people, paying money to buy high quality cooking gear for their home kitchens, and inviting friends or nemisses over to a cooking battle, or to just have a pow wow on foods, like where did Cythia go for her vay cay and what did she eat? Sorry guys, but I gotta talk like these foodies, vay cay is vacation for you who couldn't catch on.

Foodies are a serious and egotistical bunch, especially foodies with money, as opposed to foodies without money. For instance, a foodie with money will dine at fancy places as well as local digs, where as the foodie with less money will maybe hit all the local digs, but go to a fancy place once a year if he or she is lucky. Nontheless, foodies are food lovers, they want to know the history of the food they are eating, how it is originally prepared, so forth and so on. Foodies are generating millions of dollars for cookbook publishers, and high ratings for food shows. For every t.v. chef, he or she has a possibility of acquiring millions of followers. Yes foodies are a new exciting bunch, cook them something cool, up to date, and they'll tell all of their foodie friends, and the next thing you know, you're a hit, you become that popular jock that you weren't in high school.

Wine foodies, these people make it a point to travel around the world in search of good wine and food, and to tell the world about their experience on their own website or social networks. Foodies who do the wine trips are interesting, because they start sounding like a cut rate sommelier. "The reds are nutty, with a hint of unleaded gas." Or, "That Chard is so crisp, like apples right at summertime." Yeah whatever, just drink it and shut up alirght?

Foodies are spending millions of dollars on anything food related, cookbooks, food books, reference books for nutrition, travel mags, you name it, foodies are spending millions each year on food stuff, they are, it is a big huge business food is. Big. Did I say big? I meant huge!

Okay the Potato Chips Recipe:

12 large Russet potatoes scrubbed, and sliced fairly thin

1 large pot with 32 oz. of Canola oil

1. Heat up the oil to hot, wait to have that oil produce bubbles, and you can see the energy move that oil, toss in a small piece of bread, and see how quickly it gets to be brown, if it gets brown as soon as it hits the oil, you are good to go to get those slices of potatoes, or chips fried.

2. Once your chips are all fried to nice golden crisp, let it cool in a colander so excess oil will drip away from it.

3. In small batches, salt them, and you can also season them with whatever, vinegar, cayenne pepper, paprika, curry powder, barbeque sauce, mayonnaise, you name you can get creative with seasoning your batch of chips.

The nex foodie challange at your home, in your kitchen is to have a chips making contests.

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