CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

READY MADE BBQ SAUCES Nothin Wrong with Dat!

Look, you want to barbeque, but you're feeling a bit uneasy on Sunday, you got the BBQ grilling duties, you're the host. But the last BBQ session was at Bob's place, and for God's sake, we can't keep up with Bob, the ultimate Foodie! he makes all his sauces from scratch! Wow, woopdy freeking doo guys. Don't be intimidated with using ready made sauces of anykind, the fact is, you want easy right? And there's a lot of healthy ready mades out there. No prob. I know how to make sauces, believe me, I can out sauce an exec. chef at any freekin fine dine, but guess what? Im freekin Lazeeee. That's right my foodies, and you are probably not a chef, but you know how to grill them ribs and steaks, chicken or whatnot, it's just you ain't gots dee timez to go mixin your own BBQ sauce, so? Go out and buy some, and when Bob's fat ass is there, make it a point to kill the goat ASAP,  announce it on your intercom. "Look guys, I am not Bob, I don't make sauces from scratch, but the ribs are from a reputable butcher. If you don't like the ready made barbeque sauce I got, you can get da fuck outta here okay? Okay, just had to make this perfectly fuckin clear coz, if I hear any fucker complaining? Get lost! More ribs for me!" Sorry for the swear words but hey it's pertinent once in a while.

Cabela's Open Season BBQ Sauces

KC Master Piece BBQ Sauces

And to the left Krafts BBQ Sauces

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