CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, January 22, 2011

SLOPPY "Vegetarian" JOE

Okay here we go peeps, it's time for a little healthy foods, and no absolutely no, saturated fats that comes from animals, do I make my self clear? Do I? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!

Okay let's get your nonstick pot out, not too big, maybe a 3 quart one to 4 quart.

You are gonna need 10 oz. of organic extra firm tofu
3 cloves garlic minced
1/4 cup minced onions
1/8 cup of canola oil
1 medium Roma tomato diced seed too
10 oz. organic low sodium tomato sauce
6 oz. organic tomato paste
1/2 cup filtered water
4 tbspn of chili powder
1 tbsp. of corriander
1 tbsp. of turmeric
1 tbsp. of red chili flakes
Salt and pepper to taste

Parsley sprigs to garnish

1. Heat up oil in pot, over medium high heat
2. Sautee the garlic, and onions, and diced Romas
3. Add in the tofu, using a rubber or wooden spatula, break the tofu apart to a grounded texture, don't over cook it. That's the nice thing about a vegetarian Sloppy Joe, it won't take long for it to cook, like beef.
4. Add in tomato sauce, tomato paste, and filtered water, stir and cover and simmer for about 15 minutes.
5. Add in the remaining ingredients except the parsley garnish, cook for about 5 minutes stirring constantly, it may be a little runny or watery, cook a little longer to evaporate all moister, no worry. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve and garnish with parsley.

Put it on some of your favorite bread and eat.

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