CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, February 21, 2011

Maui- Family Dinner

Family dinners, got up to my sister Joyce and her husband Greg's place to visit my other sister Esther and her husband John, both of them former restaurateurs, for 9 years owned the Honokowai Okazu Ya and Deli north of Kaanapali along with brother Harold, it was one of the most successful businesses in the country for a small business, so they do know quality food. So what did John chef out on this evening? Short ribs that fell off the bone, some roasted pork, mash potatoes with gravy, a salad, with cranberries. It was ono or delicious for those of you from another world. But it was more than just dinner because two old friends stopped by Toshi Nishimura and his daughter Paula, both of Lahaina, Maui. They were out of touch for some time, although I see Toshi quite often at the Lahaina Cannery Mall, he says it's nice and cool inside there, he loves to eat pasta from one of the digs inside there, and he's one of the sweetest souls around. He's a veteran of the 442nd combat unit, an aging and fading group of brave men made up of Japanese ancestry, they fought for the United States in
World War Two, and according to Toshi, he's like one of five or six soldiers left on the island of Maui. And I believe him, once were warriors, always a warrior, sometimes I cringe when people disrespect our soldiers, past and present. No matter what, especially if they have seen action, they saw things non of us would ever see, they value life a lot more that's for sure. Toshi Nishimura is one of the last, it was nice  to have him and Paula at Joyce and Greg's, and he loved John's cooking. John is an excellent chef and funny man too, so a dinner cooked by him is a treat.

Photo: Ron Sambrano
Toshi Nishimura 442nd Combat Veteran, husband, father, grandfather, and friend.

Food and family go hand in hand, I'll say it till I'm blue in the face, it was a special evening, it was kind of old school you know? Where everyone sat at the dinner table, a hot meal blessing us, I wouldn't trade that for a gazillion dollars, no way, wouldn't give it a thought. For anyone coming from another state or country, Maui is like any other place in the world that values family and food. To me all those stupid food shows don't have any meaning. Who cares if so and so makes a fantastic dish, the people who sit at the table actually makes the dinner. Toshi's wife Margie is in a care home, and he visits her constantly. His love of his life.. maybe fading away, just look at his face, this man is a good man, I've known him since I was a kid, and he at one time was an awesome fisherman. Some might say, "Get a degree in business and learn to invest, and buy up real estate." Toshi just takes care of what matters, and look at him, still going strong, he gave Joyce some eggplant from his garden, and man, that is so cool, to the maximum, nothing, nothing is greater than a man who works with his hands, and makes an honest living, with no flash, no bells and whistles, just old fashion love of work. Look at Toshi, he's our friend, and I can say this, I am happy that he always smiles when I see him, friends like this folks should be treasured in your lifetime. When many people stick you with the middle finger and the F word, a friend that is genuine, is someone to treasure for sure. And for those of you who still have parents? See them when you can, ours are gone forever, but for me personally I have no regrets, I told them what was needed before they took their last breath on this earth, and I'm telling you.... if you have parents, and you don't see eye to eye, bury the hatchet ASAP, and make things right. Make it right.

Photo:Ron Sambrano
Esther left, Paula right

Esther and Paula share stories of yesteryear, we left them alone to converse, as they say, conversation is healing, it's good to talk, to share. Paula's son Jason serves in the National Guard, her husband passed away, so yeah, she has some stuff in life to share, this is what I'm talking about folks, life, dinners, friends, family. Dinner tables in the past was where people got information on life, but these days, everyone has some iPad or iPhone at the table and texting or looking at their Twitter account.

Photo: Ron Sambrano
Chef John slicing through some tender beef short ribs

The beef short ribs was soft and tender fell off of the bone. Was definitely delicious, juicy and really tender.

Photo: Ron Sambrano
John slicing pork

Pork was tender and juicy as well, nice soft, melts in your mouth kine.

Photo: Ron Sambrano
Joyce with salad duties

Photo: Ron Sambrano
Greg talks with Paula, Toshi listens

Photo: Ron Sambrano

My plate, get out of the way! All mines man, get out of my way! This was a plate that is a blessing man, well balanced, starches, protein, greens and fibers, some sweetness. All good food, just look at that can't get any better than this. No need to stack the food on top of each other like those restaurants you pay lots of dollars to, and their food doesn't even fill you up, wussup with that? How much would I pay for a plate like this at a restaurant? Tell you what, can't get this good stuff in a restaurant, you gotta get it at home.

Photo: Ron Sambrano

Greg feeds the kitty dessert, the cat gets into the act too, kitty is part of the family. "I tawt I taw a poody tat, I deed I deed see a poody tat."

Photo: Ron Sambrano
Ethan on left Dusty right my 2 nephews acting silly

Photo: Ron Sambrano
Dusty, Aunty Joyce, and Tammy talk story

Life is too short folks, enjoy life, bury any tiffs you may have, and move on. As it says in the New Testament in the book of Ephesians, in a nutshell, love is the answer. Look around the corruption in this world, and being in a house with love, is better than being in a house with riches and malice. Yeah, can't get better than this evening. Aloha

Oh yeah if you're visiting this month it's whale season still yet. 

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