CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, February 14, 2011

Maui- Family Returns, Food & Conversations

Food runs deep in this family of ours, everyone is a cook, it was a must growing up, you either learned to cook somthing or starved. And since my sister Esther and her husband John are back for a little over a week, we had a small get together last night at my sister Joyce and her husband Greg's house. The last time we actually really gathered there was for a holiday dinner, and the last big one was when our mom Peggy was laid to rest almost 2 years ago. So this night was a good small gathering of family, as we look to the future, we're all getting up there in age, and seeing our little nieces and nephews running around, I just keep on thinking will they have gasoline when they're 30? This world is filled with uncertainty, but never mind that. The food was awesome, my brother Calvin made some Chicken Hekka, my brother Elton was cutting some steaks from Greg's grill, and he made a killer soup with pumpkins in it and pork, and John made a tofu salad, Joyce made something, everyone contributed, except me, I just show up to eat and put away the folding tables and chairs ha ha.

Some of my family members owned and operated restaurants, my brother Harold was partners with some people back in the 80s and 90s ran a Chinese restaurant and a local diner. John owned a local dig, my sister Esther started book keeping in restaurants and seafood suppliers. Later Harold, John and Esther would form a team that started the Honokowai Okazu Ya & Deli, for roughly 9 years was one of the most successful restaurants in the state of Hawaii. They would eventually sell the restaurant and move on their separate ways. John & Esther moved to Washington and tried to make a go of it there opening a small dig, that would succumb to the economy, so did Harold, he also tried, but the economy was too tough for them on their latest ventures.

But the night was not about business, it was just good home conversations, getting reaquainted with each other. Family is important on Maui, family... that's all that matters. Oh yeah can't forget my sister inlaw Patsy, she's a foodie herself and is the self proclaimed Sommelier of the family, she loves her some wine, reds, whites, pinks, she is into it. Me I'll take a cold can of Coke.

Photo below brother Cal, the Pupu King savors the flavors of the night, in the background my brother Harold is hugged by brother inlaw and former business partner John McKivor who packs a sense of humor, and is pretty good on a street bike. Some of the little ones look on, Ethan, sister Joyce sitting.

Photo below my big sister Esther or (Ess) takes a photo of the family she hasn't seen for a couple years, as Kamahie and mom Marie look on. Esther kind of took mom's place in the family when mom died, so did Joyce, in fact all of the females in the Sambrano family, all stepped up to play Mama, or the little ones Gramma, it's a nuturing thing females have I guess, the whole family is blessed to have all the women around.

Photo below Joyce cuts da birthday cake for Harold and John, as Tam helps, and the two little girls wanna have some cake and ice cream fast!

All photos by Ron Sambrano copyrights 2011

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