CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maui- Kalua Pork on The Light Side

Keeping the sat. fats. out of your diet is easy!
Kalua pork is a tasty dish we locals love to eat, if done right it is very very delicious, moist, and can put you under the table for a good long nap period!

So if you have health issues, and you don't want a lot of saturated fats in your kalua pork, here is what you can do to make it less heavy.

First of all, if you purchased kalua pork from a vendor, and it is oily, put it in some boiling water, and then squeeze out the fats. Put the boiled pork in a saute pan with some vegetable oil, and heat it up so it won't taste like boiled pork.

To make a good low fat kalua pork, trim off all of the outer fats and skin from the pork, that's using a pork shoulder.

Whatever the size of meat you got, season it with just a little Hawaiian sea salt, or a little Kosher salt, and put some liquid smoke over it, I did some of these recipes before, but this is to keep it on the lighter side. Place pork in a roasting pan, add some water so that it goes half way up the meat, cover the pan with foil.

Heat the oven to 375 deg. F. and roast the meat for 3 hours or so, depending on the size, it should be tender you could shred it with your fingers, using an instant read thermometer check if the center of the meat registers at least 165 deg. F.

Shred the pork limiting portions to about 4 ounces per person, serve with lots of greens, sauteed kale, or cabbage does good, use low sodium seasonings.


One of the most common problems for locals here on Maui is the gout syndrome, where the high acidic foods causes joints to swell. Pork is the culprit of gout for many locals, but not all. So if you have a gout problem, stay away from pork if pork gives you gout. 

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