CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Maui- Simple Apps Appetizers That Is

Appetizers Maui Style....well, I really don't know what that means, except it's made here on Maui. Appetizers are a foodie's golf game, it's bowling, it's whatever. But appetizers are huge at parties. So on Maui what is considered a good appetizer? You name it, stuffed shrooms, stuffed peppers, fresh nachos, ahi poke, sushi, crab cakes, lobster cakes, won tons.

Photo: www,

Okay, I'll get a little creative with an appetizer, I'll get a 10 oz. rib eye steak.
8 oz. of cream cheese
1 tbsp. of onion powder
1 tsp. minced green onions
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. white pepper

Heat up a stainless steel pan over medium high heat.
salt and pepper the steak leave at room temperature
Cook the steak to your desire, hint, do not use any oil, let the rib eye sit on the hot pan, so it sears nicely.
As the steak cooks, mix the other ingredients in a small bowl, then place it in a big enough dish or ramekin.
When the steak is done cooking, let it rest for a couple of minutes, then slice it to your desired thickness. Feather the steak on a plate, with the sour cream mixture in the center. To eat this with some friends for an appetizer, use forks, pierce the slice of meat and dip it in the sour cream mixture.

Okay Foodies you got a simple beef apps... :)

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