CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Maui Snacks Home Maid Bakery Manju

Visting Maui? You want to know what we snack on here? We pretty much snack on unhealthy shit, just like you guys on the mainland. But here is some stuff you want to snack on if on Maui, and you'll more than likely want to eat it again and again. I made friends with some people from the mainland, and the next thing you know they're buying these things by the boxes and shipping them out via the US Postal service, of course, it is too expensive to add on luggage to the flights these days, most of the airlines are fucking insane with gauging its passengers.

What to get?

Azuki Beans Manju from Home Maid Bakery. What is it? It is a sweetly blended adzuki beans, soft, melts in the mouth, and baked in a nice somewhat chewy yet flaky crust. Eat one with a cup of coffee, or snack on one watching t.v. or facebooking or tweeting.

What's the history of the manju? I'll have to do more research, but WTF, you'll on the computer right now, you google it, I ain't gettin paid for this shit. Ha ha. but seriously, a azuki bean manju hits da spot!

Photo above from Home Maid Bakery

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