CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tripe Stew (Maui)

Tripe Stew, it may gross out some of ya, but guess what? It's a local favorite here on Maui by even the conservative eater, or less risque. What the heck is tripe stew? It's menudo for the Mexicans, and if you aren't familiar with tripe it comes from the cow's stomach, yikes. (Photo below is from )

What da heck you say? Cow stomach are you kiddin me? No I'm not. It is the lining of the cow stomach, most notably the bovine or ox, or just cattle for crying out loud.

The lining is cleaned of all gross matter, so this is a good sign, because if you ever came to a Filipino home, and the men were out butchering cattle? They'd cut up the stomach, and even use some of that funky matter, and really who wants that crap? Get it? Okay I'll shut up... ah... never mind but really it's sick man. But commercial grade tripe is really clean, and the aroma really is gone with well.... the crap. But tripe does have a hint of well... you know. Hey it came from the stomach!

But locals will by it usually frozen, by the pound, take it home and thaw it out, and then trim it into cubes or squares I meant to say. And then boil it and simmer it until it is softened considerably. Once it is soft, the cook will either drain the water or leave it in, and then add in sauces such as tomato sauce, and sauteed onions, they would spice it up with peppers, or herb it up with basil, rosemary, thyme. Some cooks make tripe stew with beer, man you can get creative cooking this crap, ha ha.

Go to Ilocandia Filipino Store in Lahaina at the Lahaina Square Shopping Center, easy to find just head west on Papalaua towards the ocean, turn left at Mc Donalds, and then boom, right on the left easy! Or in Kahului, on Wakea Ave. go to Paradise Supermart, and find out what the Filipino food experience is really about, if you can't handle the smells of pungent fish sauce, stay out, but if that kind of aroma turns you on? Go in there man, they got killer foods, dirty sexy foods! ha ha

A delicious bowl of tripe stew
Photo from:

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