CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, March 11, 2011

Food Transportation Natural Disasters

After yesterday's turmoil in Japan an 8.9 magnitude earthquake that took out lots of major ports, and small surges in Hawaii, and parts of the west coast, one can only imagine the economic impact. Also on Maui, the gasoline ran out in all the stations by late evening. Kahului had some small damage as a surge went inland. All it will take I keep on saying is one major tidal wave to wipe out Maui's economy. The Kahului harbor faces north, aiming in the path of Alaska. If Alaska ever has a major quake, it will produce a mega tidal wave that will no doubt wipe out Kahului, and most of the north facing shores of the major Hawaiian islands. Once that happens, there are no ports to bring in neccessities like produce, fuel, dry goods for survival, modern day survival that is, we would have to revert back to pre modern day existence, possibly living off of the land, or the ocean for sustenance.

Fuel, oil is no doubt the lifeblood of the economy, and modern day freedom. You got fuel, you got heat, you got a means of transport, planes fly, ships move across oceans. Fuel in terms of petroleum is the king, without it... there's going to be a difficult time in feeding millions of people in this world, and thousands on Maui. God's natural calamities will happen, it's not if, but when, and that when was yesterday in Japan.

This article hopefully will awaken you that our modern day comforts, like shopping at the Foodland or Times, or getting coffee at Starbucks, and eating cooked food via electric or gas stoves could be a thing of the past, or be halted due to a major natural disaster. Life moves on, but I can't stop thinking that these days are filled with turmoil around the world, and like it says in the bible... all that I see seemingly is the end of times. Maybe I did get brained wash from studying with Christians, but just look at what is happening. 400 billionaires in the world hold more wealth altogether than the rest of the individuals around the world, insane? Isn't greed and stealing a sin a great evil? Famine may be caused by natural disasters, and it can also be caused by greedy individuals. Our time will end one day on this earth, it will, so I propose we turn our attention on working together, to really work on us, the comon individuals, we can't rely on any government, it seems that is being taken away from us slowly but surely. As my uncle used to say, "It's time we wake up and smell the coffee!"

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