CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Italian Foods

Italian Foods a lot to learn, there's more to it than pizzas, and calzones. I can put together anything because I've learned the proper way to use all the different heating methods, but to learn a specific style of cooking, you gotta learn from the best. I mean people that really know how to cook Italian foods. Watching the food shows is alright, Giada, Mario, Tyler, and all those famous t.v. chef celebs. But for some reason, I'll run into some Italian couple from the east coast, and they'll rip those t.v. chef stars to shreds with comments like..."They don't know how to cook Italian, those assholes only know how to put on a freekin show.. you want Italian? My Mama makes the best!" Okay, now I'm kinda afraid to delve into Italian cooking on camera, was flirting with that, but man, to get ripped apart by a true Italian? But what the hell, I cook local foods here, and some people rip my butt hole at times, "Hey brah dat not how you make squid luau!"

Maybe I can do Italian foods, I guess I'm sort of battle tested in some sense, but to be on camera and maybe mispronounce an Italian name for a dish? I'd get killed when some Italian sees me. Don't want a horses head in my bed the next morning. Heck I don't even have my own house and bed, but maybe the mob may just kill some cat and stick it in my backpack when I'm not looking.

So my foodie friends, my dilema is this, I want to do Italian food on my local food show and put it on YouTube, but man, should I even try? I know one time Emeril did sushi, and the pundits ripped him another asshole, "What does he know about Japanese food? He should stick to Cajun and leave that sushi biz to the real masters!" Oh wow! Maybe, I should just stick to having fun foods on the show, and not get too serious. But I'm running out of ideas. Should I see a real Italian? Should I hang out at an Italian dig? I don't know but Italian foods has been in my mind as of late. It's just an interesting cuisine, simple, and really tasty looking, I like the Italian herbs and spices. So, my quest to do Italian in front of a camera should be put on hold, I'll study some things about the culture first, learn to pronounce some of the items first. I can just hear it now, "That short Filipino/Hawaiian guy was tryin to cook Italian on his t.v. show, he should stick to whatever it is his family cooks, for crying out loud WTF is this world coming to?"

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