CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MAUI- Classic Sauce

5 MOTHER SAUCES All You Freeking Foodies should know! So foodie, you think you're all that huh? You been to Chef Le Wutnuts's new bistro, he's got some Chinese/Indian/French fusion thang going on huh? He's got those spring rolls that look nice, and tastes great, you rant and rave about it to your foodie friends. Okay cool.But let's get back to basics, let's take a look at some classic sauces that is hardly seen now days, but is in a new way. These sauces I'm gonna present here, are the standards that leads to many a chef's creation, and here we go foodies!

Bechamel- This is a white sauce, or cream sauce, the French had a hand in this creation by one Louis de Bechamel. Utilzing a butter and flour roux, and adding milk to the mix, the white sauce was born. By infusing other ingredients to this sauce, a chef can make anything creamy and with a thick consistency. Orange Cream Sauce, Tamari Soy Cream Sauce, Mint Cream Sauce... okay you ain't that dumb, you get the fucking picture right?

Veloute- Is a sauce based on stock, like beef, fish, or chicken and infused with milk or cream to produce the white pigmentation, a veloute made with chicken can be a great chicken cream sauce. You can get creative with sauces, as long as you've learned the proper techniques and methods why, you can do anything. Look at the Chinese and how they make simple sauces in their woks, they do it with a very simple thought, add the liquid and flavor it, and just add a cornstarch and water thickening agent and viola sauce!

Espagnole- Made with roasted beef bones and meat, a dark brown sauce is produced, also utilizing a mire poix, onions, celery, carrots. Dressing prime cuts of beef or lamb can be used via the Espangnole family of sauces.

Hollandaise & Mayonnaise- Are both considered emusified sauces, Hollandaise is made from egg yolks, with clarified butter made in a double boiler or butter melted in a micro and then made in a blender. But purist will use a double boiler method and wisk the sauce to a right consistency, other ingredients added usually lemon juice, cayenne pepper, vanila extract, nutmeg, some chefs add in all kinds of little enhancements to generate their own flavors.

Mayonnaise is made of eggs, vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice and other ingredients depending on the chef's preference, garlic is added to make aioli. Mayonnaise companies over the past decade have seen increased profits, with other ethnic cuisines using it, Japanese in their sushi and dynamite, Hawaiian plates with the mac salad, Mexican cooking with sauces that are hot and creamy. Mayonnaise is one of the most popular of sauces, in modern days this is more of a condiment.

Vinagrette- Is a simple dressing or sauce made with vinegar and oil, chefs utlize the 3 to 1 rule with this. 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar. Once this is made, flavoring it is simple, add raspberries for a raspberry vinagrette, soy sauce for a soy vinagrette etc.

So foodies this was your lesson for the day, go out there and cook your asses off!

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