CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, March 18, 2011

Maui- More Local Food Knowledge

Local Foods on Maui, this can be redundant, but it is what it is. Maui is a melting pot of different people and cultures, okay you know that already sorry eh? So let's treck over to Kahului to get a fix of Filipino foods from Paradise Super Mart located at 207 E Wakea Ave. Phone: 808-877-6767.

Find some very good delicious foods if you want to be a little risque, look for Pork Adobo which is a tangy braised pork with spices, I'm sure you'll like that. Fried fish with vinegar and onions, fried pork, various soups, and get this a hog blood stew called dinuguan. If you delved in Vietnamese foods, or Thai foods, you ain't seen nothin yet.

Go and check out Paradise and bring your gout medication because you'll be delving in very rich foods. Great grocery items too. check them out.

Various Filipino Savory Dishes in the Hot Bar

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