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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Maui- Vodka Introduction

What is vodka made of? Some people wonder about alcoholic drinks, some people just drink it, without knowing where it came from, what is the history behind it, how it is made, and what brands are out there. First of all vodka is made from fermented grains and potatoes, like all liquor items, fermentation leads to the alcohol content in a liquid itself. Wine grapes need to be fermented and distilled, same with vodka.

Fermentation: Is the process of turning carbohydrates into alcohols, using yeast to help in the process, sugars turns into alcohol.

Distillation: Is a process that separates mixtures of their volatility, when vodka is distilled, it separates the weaker compounds from the more potent alcohol content, usually through heating or boiling. Medicines are made this way, crude oil is distilled removing impurities so the content can be transformed into other forms for energy such as gasoline for cars. Distilling vodka is just that, keeping the liquid item that contains the portion the consumer will purchase and enjoy.

The Russians, Ukrains, Polish, Czechs, and Slovak generally drink vodka straight up, the more old school hard nosed people tend to drink it that way. The softer newer Americanized generation are now purchasing flavored vodkas which is a multimillion dollar industry. Also in clubs, known drinks are mixed using vodka. Vodka tinis, Mojitos, Screwdrivers and countless new creations I can't keep up with.

There are cheap brands and more aged or more robust brands that cost more. If you are a drink mixer, then using a cheaper brand should suffice.

80 proof what does that mean? This means that the bottle you are buying is 40% in alcohol volume, it's pretty strong.

Can I cook with vodka? Yes you can, be careful a hot skillet can ignite the liquid into flame, and can cause serious burns. Have a trained chef or professional cook teach you how to flambe.

So what does a fifth of vodka mean? It is about 3/4 of a liter. 750ml bottles are known as fifths.

Different brands:

The company's advertising campaigns have done wonders for this company, and they produce many flavored vodkas that's popular with the metro 20s-30s crowd in clubs. Vodka afficionados claim this is a good product, not great but good

Grey Goose Vodka
One of the most popular brands in bars and home, very smooth, very much a mixable brand of vodka, the company also has flavored vodkas.

Van Gogh Vodka
Vodka fans love Van Gogh as an excellent smooth premium, also known for their flavored products. Having this as your call at your home bar will make you look like a smart host.

Ketel One Vodka
A smooth one, afficionados claim, it is a waste to use this as a mixer, a treasured bottle for special occasions. Like that drug deal gone good? Ha ha. "Hey Julio, put away that semi-automatic, it's time for some Ketel, great job!"

Chopin Vodka
Another premium vodka, Chopin named after composer Frederic Chopin, is produced with Polish potatoes. Enthusiasts claim it smoother than Ketel One Vodka on a side by side test.

Belvedere Vodka
Another smooth Polish invention, again, a bottle of this can impress your guests at your home, or ordering this at a bar as the bottle has class.

Three Olives Vodka
A smooth prime brand, with unique flavors in their arsenal of drink, experts claim to try their Triple Shot Espresso, Root Beer, and Tomato Vodkas.

Stolichnaya Vodka
Sound cool by ordering it, "I'll have some Stollies, or Stoles please." One of the most popular vodkas since I was a teenager, anyone partying with Stollies, or some Stoles was hip. Want to be cool, have this bottle as your call at your home, you'll be hip with the peeps for sure, one of those can't go wrong bottles, smooth.

Zyr Vodka
Smooth Russian winter wheat and rye vodka, very likeable, another cool impressive bottle as your call in your home. Limited not as available as other brands.

Like any other drink, you'll have to find a brand that you will love to drink, that's the main thing, after all you are paying for it not those people stopping by. And hey, if you can't buy a premium because your wallet is thin? No worries, some cheaper vodkas will work, I mean you're not surviving off of vodka like you need water to survive.

This is just a little blog so you foodies who are flirting with drink will at least know what is on the market, in the clubs and bars. After that you just have to experiment, and always make sure you don't drink and drive drunk. Stay alive, be safe, don't be a fucking dick or cunt when you're out there having fun. A life should not be taken by some drunken prick or bitch! Are you one of them? I hope not!

1 comment:

  1. Vodka is good for cooking seafood as well.
