CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring and Summer Grilling

I got a question the other day, the guy says to me "Ron, what kinda grill should I buy, a gas one or a charcoal one?" And I gave him this answer, maybe a charcoal grill, because since we live on Maui, there's nothing like the flavor of charcoal, be it is briquettes, or flavorful guava wood with Kiawe, or well.. gas would do too, but I like charcoal better.

But if you get a gas grill, there's ways to add that smoky flaves, and this is how you do it, get some wood chips, and soak them in some water, don't douse it too long, but just get em wet. Then get some foil, and wrap them up, but leave a small opening, when the wood chips get hot from the gas flames, it will produce smoke. Lay the wood chips on the bottom of the grill close to the flames, and use the cover on the grill so the smoke stays trapped inside.

Local boys love the smoky flavors of meats, veggies, fish that comes off of the grill, grilling is not barbequeing, it is quick cooking on the grill. So make sure your slices aren't too thick, whatever you are cooking, you want the heat to quickly cook it, and I've found that grillling steaks that are too thick on the grill can be a task, some people want theirs cooked on the well side, and because of the thickness of the meat, it takes too long to cook, and you end up taking up valuable space on the grill for other items. If you are grilling thick cuts and people want it on the bloody side, no prob. Best to use Flank or Flaps, or 1/2 inch cuts of steaks. Score your chicken pieces so the heat penetrates it for quick grilling. Pork chops shouldn't be too thick, and not too thin also, you be the judge eh?

Marinate most of your grilling items, oilve oil for veggies with dashes of salt and pepper and other spices and herbs, soaking meats and chicken and fish with soy sauce and sugar and garlic, or whatever you want before grilling gives it some flavor. I like to use Hawaiian salt on all the meats, chicken, pork, or fish, that simple salt brings out the best in grilling.

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