CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Maui- Cancer Patient Swears on Turmeric

Cancer Patient & Turmeric- Her name won't be used, I see her at times, a bandana covers her head, her hair is slowly coming back, and so is her health. In her mid-fifties, she seems upbeat, and very positive, she's a cancer patient battling for her life. But... she does not want the chemicals that modern medicine has to offer her. "I get sick when I take it, and I'm adamant on going natural and organic if I can." 

As I watch her shop in a natural food store, she gets bags of kale, chard, cabbage, and lots of turmeric, lots and lots of turmeric. Besides the greens from the cabbage family that even some experts claim that helps fight cancer, she swears that since juicing some of the turmeric, and drying it and making it into powdered form, and putting it into a capsule, she is off modern day meds.

"I do vegetarian, vegan, and raw when I can, I have some help, I had taken some cooking lessons from a chef, now I understand how to cook. But I continue to read books on nutrition, and foods that heal. My favorite store is Borders Books and Music in Kahului. (Note: The store is now closing as of this date). I love to just get a green tea, and grab food books and learn as much as I can about healing foods. One of the books I recently read was The China Study, I can't believe the way big businesses dump the junk foods on us, cancer causing additives, food colorings, all bad for our health, but it is all profits, it's big business. No one cares if the chemicals a soda company is using causes cancer on rats, or if a farm is using GMOs, and poisons in the soil, if the companies can get away with it, they will. Money is more important than someone's health."

FYI, I read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, and though it is filled with lots of awesome information on why we should stick to a strict vegetarian or vegan diet to cure our ills, and to not eat lots of animal fats, and artificial foods, I at times still eat the junk that our cancer patient is learning not to consume. Yes The China Study talks about how the FDA, the medical community, and food suppliers of not so healthy foods, are all in this big old racket that is into making money for all of their associates. Where doctors are instructed to not talk about eating healthy, where a surgery is money in the pockets of major hospitals, after all, how dare a doctor tell a patient, "Look, if you eat these GM foods, well, you'll get sick." Of course if everyone gets educated, and not eat the junk, ill causing foods America dumps down our throats, the medical professionals, and pharmacists won't make the profits they are capable of. Likened to a mechanic telling a driver of a car, "There's no need to change your oil mam, just drive it." Then the motor blows, and the mechanic has a job, but of course the mechanics won't tell them that now days, people are smarter, it's just that people need to educate themselves on the ill effects of the foods that are not healthy.

"For sugar or to make something sweet, I use organic honey, orangic maple syrup, or stevia, maybe agave nectar," she says as she shops with a serious demeanor. "Oh and I am learning that because of all the dairy I used to eat, it could be the cause of my cancer, I am very skeptical of the foods we are consuming in this day and age. How many more people will get cancer because of the bad foods being sold."

Skeptics may claim, that even if someone was to eat totally raw and organic, and all veggies, they can still get cancer from a myriad of ways, true that. But she is adamant that since she's been off of meats, and animal byproducts, even her doctor has claimed she's getting better, her blood tests look great, her energy is up where as if she was on meds, she'd be sicker than a dog, so going natural can be good, I take that back, going all natural will be good. God didn't make our bodies to consume man made destructive chemicals. Let's all eat better for the good of our lives and our loved ones.

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