CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

JAMES KUDLICH a.k.a "J.K. Recreational Foodie" He's going around town and delving in everyday grines. That's right J.K. Recreational Foodie sampled L&L's Chicken Katsu Plate today, as I filmed him for our project. James did a great job, and now it's time for us to edit this stuff and see what we come up with. James is a foodie that loves food, why else would he be called a foodie? In the first photo we see J.K. tired and can't eat anymore he is stuffed!

In this photo J.K. says "This is the way Katsu should be, nice and crispy on the outside, the panko flakes are golden but not soggy like some plates." Yes J.K. is a plate lunch afficionado for sure.
"Whenever I eat a plate lunch, it has to be perfect, the main dish, the rice has to be just right, not too sticky, and not too dry. And the macaroni salad should be simple, just macaroni. salt and pepper, and mayo."

J.K. devoured this plate, he was enjoying every bite, every bit of the crumbs from the panko flakes. He was into it like B.J. Penn in the octagon. Like Le Bron going for a dunk, like Kyle Bush racing... ah you get the idea right?

J.K. is all smiles, he is blessed to take a swing at a plate like this from L&L's, you can see it in
his eyes, that plate has got nothin on J.K., the Recreational Foodie, no chance, he's gonna polish that  plate in no time folks!
"Watch out if you got chicken coops around my hood, you might not have any chickens if I'm around, I may turn your chickens into chicken katsu," says J.K. with an evil grin. "Ha ha."


Savoring the moment, J.K. is excellent with the chopsticks, although a fork and spoon would do just right. J.K. tells us, "Yeah, chopsticks work well if the rice is just sticky enough."

J.K. sits and enjoys the sites and sounds inside the Lahaina Cannery Mall where L&L is located, he loves the cool air conditioning. "Got to love this place, it's cool, and I can get comfortable eating a large plate." Well of course you gotta be comfy man!

"A nice cold can of Coke hits the spot when eating a massive plate," says J.K. "You can keep all that organic juices, I'll drink a Coke thank you." J.K. is your all-American recreational foodie, he loves simple foods, grill and bar stuff, plate lunch stuff, hot dog and burger joints. Yes, if you happen to be in Lahaina on vacation and see J.K. tell em hi, and go eat lunch together, he'll show you how it's done.

J.K. talks about the katsu sauce, "If you don't have katsu sauce, just use ketchup, soy sauce, and some steak sauce, it'll work well as a substitute."

Did you read that? Did you feel it? How awesome is J.K. offering you foodies some great advice. I'm telling you folks in foodie land, this man is just the man to showcase how eating is done, the man works hard at eating right. Well, right eating is only an opinion, so let's respect his opine shall we?

After this gig, we left the mall, J.K. full to the brim, and came down with some Hawaiian Style parylysis, which happens to the best of any man, eat a huge ass plate and then get tired, and then he'll have to rest. Eating and resting folks, that's what it's all about. Why stress? Why clean the house when you can devour a huge ass plate, and then go to sleep somewhere. J.K. was done eating, and he found a nice tree to sleep under, what a freeking life this man has. He shows up to get video taped to eat food! Wow! What a life I say, what a life!

James or should I say J.K. Recreational Foodie is full in this last picture of him. If anyone had a wheel chair, J.K. is sure to be there hitching a ride.  After that plate, he was not able to run across the highway.

So what is the moral of this article? Just enjoy simple recreational foods. Why get so serious with food right?
"I don't, screw that, I love to just have fun, then eat, then have fun and then eat, and then sleep."

You said it big man, you said it all with compassion, with regard to the everyday man, the man that says "Screw this, I just want to eat, and then go to sleep!" Yes J.K. you are the man. You are the man, that can no doubt put some serious plates away. Simply a fierce person when it comes to standing in line at a local food dig, you see him comin, you best be a movin yes sir, get out of his way. WARNING! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EAT A LOT AND THEN GO TO SLEEP LEAVE THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR TO EXPERTS IN THE FIELD SUCH AS "J.K. RECREATIONAL FOODIE"

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