CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, May 2, 2011

MAUI- Eatin Gluten Free

Barkat Animal Shaped Pasta Gluten Free, for kids with celiac disease, or just intolerant to gluten products such as wheat products. Barkat Animal Shaped Pasta is the ticket, according to their published ad, Good For You but Doesn't Taste Like It. Totally healthy, zero artificial addititves, zero wheat products. This product from Barkat is made with Maize Flour and Maize Starch. Who said pasta needed to be wrought from wheat flour?

You would cook these animal shapes like any wheat pasta, in boiling water until just done, strain it and then cool it under cold water in a colander.

Go to for more gluten free products, soups and broths, snacks, breads, and more.

Pictured is a bag of Barkat Animal Pasta

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