CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Dodger Dogs 101 for us Dodger fans, what a dog. Over the course of my lifetime, I've been to Dodger Stadium only twice. Though they were kind of blurry moments back in the 80s, when they weren't that great, inbetween their World Series championship of 1988. I don't remember the two times I've been there that the Dodgers won. But that's my team since I was a kid, and really being a dog lover, the Dodger Dog is a nuts hot dog. 10 inches of basball food inside a steamed bun. Grilled or steamed take your pick for about 5 bucks.

When you get to the stadium hopefully in a comprehending mode, and not on mind altering substances, you'll feel the excitement. Well, I always had a seat that was either on the first base line or the third base line (home team's dugout). Watching the teams warmup, maybe shouting at one of your favorite players. Back in the day Lasorda was the man wearing the captain's hat, he was a widebody you couldn't miss. I remember seeing Orel, and Hernando. But it is about the Dodger Dog, since I love to eat.

All the times I had a Dodger Dog it was steamed, it wasn't grilled, most peeps had the grilled dogs, but for some reason I had it steamed because back in the day, mom made Maui Dogs, and it was always in a pot with steaming water, believe it or not I really at that time of my life never had a grilled dog, it was either pot steamed or pan seared.

The Dodger Dog is a blend of pork and beef, but the "Super Dodger Dog" is made up of 100% beef, produced by Farmer John which was purchased by Hormel in 2004. Dodger Dogs can be found at other attractions in Southern Cal too. But the Dodger Dog, I guess it's just a long hot dog, but with a name like the Dodger Dog, it tastes better. I can't imagine a Giants Dog tasting any good, I hate the Giants! And the Rockies, and the Diamond Backs, and the Padres... you know since they're in the NL West.

So who was the originator of the Dodger Dog? Thomas Arthur was the creator during 29 years from 1962-1991 as the food conssesions manager at Dodger Stadium. The Dodger Dog was originally produced by the Morrell Meat Company, but Farmer John one of the sponsors of the Dodgers took over the production of the dog later until present.

Well as of this writing the Dodger's woes continue, the owners and league has something going on I guess, the wins is low while the losses are high, I still wear my Dodger's cap and jersey at times, I still look at the box scores, anything positive, a James Loney or Matt Kemp, or Andre Eithier homer and I'm smiling even if we do lose the game, that's the way it is with Dodger fans, oh well, maybe the second half will be better, I'm praying. But we kee on saying, "maybe next year."

I'll just put mustard on mine that does the job, I'm a simple dude, but that dog is good and filling, if I don't eat before the game, I can polish 2 of these with a few brews.

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