CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, June 9, 2011

MAUI- T Bone Steak EZ Seasonings That Work

T-Bone! That was George Castansa's  wannabe name when he was with the New York Yankees in an episode of Seinfeld. "My name is T-Bone!"

Well, again I am promoting beef for this Summer's grill time adventures. Check this well marbled steak to the left, thanks to wikipedia, this picture is used for educational purposes only. When grilling you really want steaks with a bone in, why? Because there's a heck of a lot of flavors with a bone in. Now if you are pan frying, having bone off steaks can produce a better sear, or even sear. But if you are a grillin, get a bone in steak will ya?

Here's a very simple tip when grilling these killer dudes. All you need to do is season them with some salt and fresh ground black pepper, and maybe some garlic and onion powder, rub it into the meat let it rest at room temperature, and start your grilling. Charcoal grills are preferred, there is nothing like a smokey natural flavor, but if you have a propane gas grill, that's okay too, maybe toss in some wood chips soaked in water and wrapped in foil to get a nice smoke action going.

Saute some mushrooms in butter and garlic and some herbs and you're good to go, get some rice on the stove for some starch, maybe some greens for a salad you really will be loved by whoever it is you're grilling for. The T-Bone is a very tender cut from the loin section, it is very popular among beef afficionados, and the sister Porterhouse is just the same. So if you love a grillin, set your sites on some Prime cuts. Look for the fatty streaks in the grain, that's where the flavors come from, there's nothing like a well marbled steak period!

Aloha you beef addicts! :)

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