CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, July 25, 2011

Being A Great Home Cook Takes Practice & Patience

If you are delving in cooking for the first time in your life, don't be afraid to fail, just keep on trying until you got the dish right. Some people pick up on things faster than others. Take sports for instance, some kids pick up basketball and excel quicker than others, and the others,  well they need more work. But with anything, persistence will get you there, just don't quit because you burnt the shrimp with garlic stir-fry, or your braised short ribs were like soup. Don't quit.

A tip I keep suggesting to beginning foodies at home is this, practice creating that dish you always wanted to create. Let's say you want to cook a  great beef curry. Well, ask the chef that makes it how he or she does it. If they don't want to share, then buy some cookbooks that have beef curry in it and practice. Cook not just for yourself, but make a fun time out of it, invite your friends that knows how to cook, and have them walk you through things, like how to cut a potato into a cube.

Once you have mastered it, then move on to another dish. First master one dish at a time. You're not in a competition, so don't get flustered, don't get discouraged. And oh yes, there's going to be critics out there so watch out. Like people can be nice in front of you, but be ready for the 2 faced peeps out there, they come in sheep's clothing but are wolves. They'll say nice things about that beef curry, but when you turn your back... watch out! I've been there before, and at times just wanted to throw in the towel but I keep on going and learning, that's how you succeed, you never quit, develop some thick skin and you're good to go.

Keep on trying!

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