CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, August 7, 2011


There's always something happening on Fremont Street in Down Town Las Vegas, free rock concerts, street entertainers, and cheap food. Last night we saw Loverboy, yeah the 80s hit band from Canada, they were actually entertaining. Also we just got through watching an 80s copy band that did a lot of hits from the 80s with dancers and all that for free, it's an MTV anniversary thing. But back to food.
You can't go wrong with a $2.00 Coors Draft and a hot dog. Especially when the temperatures like 100 and plus degrees, and if you're hungry this is a not bad deal.

Or a $1.99 breakfast, with eggs, toast and meat, not too shabby, can't get this on Maui. And you can't roll dice in a legal casino as well, so that's the catch, you gotta live near a casino to get cheap food.

$4.05 for a chopped steak dinner, can't throw this deal out the window. You don't even need to gamble, just walk your ass inside and order it.

Another beer and hot dog special, but this is a 100% beef dog from Nathan's the sponsors of the world championships of hot dog eating. $4.95 gets you a domestic draft (a big boy) and some chips. Got to have them chips.

$7.95 10 oz. Prime Rib Dinner with the sides. This is insane, and you know the prime rib is really good too, nice and tender it's good stuff... is this inexpensive or what? Yeah there's no ocean view, but F it! The food is cheap that's good for me period.

$19.95 NY Steak & Shrimp, if you got the munchies this is a definitely great deal. Imagine you are losing your ass at the tables, what better way to make you feel better than to use that last 20 bucks you got to eat. Well you gotta tip the server so figure that one out on your own.

Pancakes 24/7 for you pancake monsters out there. Like pancakes? Love pancakes? Love it better than working out? Love it better than going to church? Better than sex? Okay then, head down to Fremont St. and eat all the F n pancakes you want, you can find it there 24/7.

99 cents Deep Fried Oreo's? Now here is a sick notion, what sick mother f....r will eat a deep fried mother f.....g Oreo? Not me, but if you sick nuff to eat it Fremont St. has it! Get outta heah! Fool!

Besides what you see here which is just a small sampling of the foods around town, there's other stuff too inluding sushi, pizzas, mexican. In most of the hotels especially the Sam Boyd properties you can find a pretty decent variety of foods to keep you satisfied for 2 to 3 days. After that you can get sick of it for sure. Fremont Street is high energy, it is a rock and roll kind of place, and LOUD! So if being mellow is what you want, maybe go to some lounge and find a Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator or something, or a Kenny G impersonator. Don't be surprised if you go there on a vacation you'll find a Metallica copy band that will be almost perfect. I must say, the musicianship in Vegas has to be excellent or else those musicians won't get a job. And bring grampa too he'll love those scantly clad girls walking around, what the hell, he may croak soon so let em have some fun, what the heck bring gramma too, there's a few of those pretty boy hunk dudes walking around, let the old timers have some fun too. Just remember to confess your sins before you catch your flight back home, you don't want your house burning up in flames.

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