CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Here are 4 ingredients, tofu (firm), ginger, patis (fermented fish sauce), and sweet chili sauce. What can you do with it?

Here's what I would do, I'd take the tofu and drain it well, take out as much water as possible, and then cut them up into cubes about 1/2 inches in size. Then peel the fresh ginger, and grate them, about 1 tbsp., and then mix about 4 tbsp. of patis, and 2 tbsp. of sweet chili sauce.

Then to be fancy, place the tofu, divided on four saucers, because most blocks of tofu are 14 oz., so each person will get a little over 3 oz. of tofu, then I'd top each saucer with some grated ginger, and then spoon some of the patis and sweet chili sauce mixture over it.

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