CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cooking Show RD Lick em UP! Jerk Chicken Homestyle

Today we just finished taping our second RD Lick em UP! show. We did a simple Jerk Chicken with boiled yams.

We had some fun, the picture on the left is half of a chicken breast, boneless and skinless. I marinated it in soy sauce, vinegar, pineapple juice and pineapple chunks. In it I blended in some ground cinnamon, ground cloves, ground nutmeg, bay leaf, garlic and ginger. Let is soak for several minutes, 

Then I got a hot pan out, put some vegetable oil over medium high heat, and seared the side where the skin would have been, turned it over, and stuck the pan in a 350 deg F. oven for about 20 minutes. Then I took the breasts out and let it rest on the cutting board. Took some of the juices out of the original stainless steel pan, returned the pan to medium high heat, and put about half a cup of Bacardi Premium rum, and set it on fire to burn off the alcohol. Next I returned some of the marinade to the pan over boiling heat, and reduced the sauce to half and added some pineapple chunks to it, it turned out syrup like. I dressed both chicken halves after slicing it. Tossed the yams with butter, fresh ground sea salt, and fresh ground black pepper. with some butter.

You can see the show on Akaku TV Channel 52 in the next few weeks, it will be in the post production stage right now. And it will be on Youtube as well, type in chefboymaui.

Co-Producer/Sony Bloggy Tech/Writer/Director Danny Agdeppa samples some of the yams and Jerk Chicken.

Me Posing (No Close up)

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