CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

MAUI- Visitors With Hypertension and Eating Out

You are coming to Maui, and you have a diet issue, you have hypertension, a.k.a. high blood pressure, you have your meds, but you do need to eat healthy, you aren't a vegan or vegetarian, but you just need some lean meats, and definitely low sodium foods.

Here is some tips, you do have a brain don't you? Uh huh... And a mouth too right? Uh huh, I thought so. Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive. When you go to eat at any restaurant and I'm not talking about fast food joints, but a place where the chef or cooks makes your food to order well simply ask the person waiting on you to have the cooks use less salt, or to not put salt on your meal period.

Some places here do offer healthy styles on their menus, or they will comply with certain requests especially if you the customer has a health issue, kitchen staff always want to help their customers, if not that's business lost.

Don't be embarrassed by asking "Excuse me can you not put salt or soy sauce on the chicken?" Now understand certain meals are pre-soaked with salty brine or a marinade, so that may be impossible to omit salt out of it, however, on grilled items, or sauteed, or stir fries, a cook can catch his hand from adding salt to the cooking vessel in time.

So have a nice pleasurable time on Maui while you are here, and don't be afraid to ask for less or no salt because you are dealing with hypertension. When my mother was alive, she suffered from hypertension, and depending on the restaurant we went to, they usually complied to our request of mom not having salt on her mahi mahi. And of course an extra tip will show them you appreciate what they did for you. Or if you want to get their attention, flash them the cash first, and you'll get what you want for sure. Sorry I been in the restaurant business, and working for tips well it just helps that customers treat the wait staff well too. Now on the other hand if they are down right uncooperative then it's a different story, if they treat you bad, don't tip them.

Good Luck

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