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Thursday, March 8, 2012

MAUI The Right Spread When Hosting

This is just an idea for those of you who are foodies and hosts of parties, you know who you are, you just want to show off your spread of food to the neighbors and to share a great meal and fun time getting to know everyone which is cool.

This article is not about a fancy table of food, but what kinds of healthy alternatives you have on that spread. There's always someone that you invite that may need a low sodium meal, or a person just can't handle meat, or poultry or seafood, or they may be allergic to gluten or peanuts.

I myself have high blood pressure, it runs in the family, I try to eat right, but sometimes the location you are at at a particular time does not allow you to eat healthy. For myself, I have friends that are constantly cooking out and drinking which is cool, but I always turn away for the simple fact that I'm trying to stay away from salty foods, which is what my friends cook, they are heavy on the salt in all of their grilling, Bless them, I just have to stay away unless I know there is an alternative.

Here's an idea if you are hosting, cook most of your entrees using less salt, and let your guests know that you cooked low salt dishes on purpose just in case someone you invited may need a meal with low sodium. You can always have a fancy salt grinder on the table for your guests, this way in the event someone that does tag along that has a blood pressure issue will feel comfortable. Imagine if you have an ailment and you tagged along to a party that was alright for you to do, but could not eat salty foods? Imagine you passing up on the foods that are offered to you, that feels bad.

Hosting calls for finding out if some of your guests are allergic to any kind of food, or ingredients, and try to be accommodating, after all, you are a host, be a good host and find out before the event, "Hey Jenny does anyone in your party have any food issues? Oh, your uncle has diabetes? Okay I'll have some foods for him, I'll have desserts that are good for him, and some cool drinks he can drink that won't harm him." Now when Jenny hears this, man will she be wanting to come to your party. Heck you'll be shopping anyway, you might as well do it right and be a caring host.

And for diabetics, have sauces that doesn't have lots of sugars, or high in fructose, and desserts can be made with sugar but in a lesser amount. If you go and look at Diabetes cookbooks, you'll get an idea. I've been delving in some diabetes cookbooks and what I've noticed is that a lot of recipes have sugar, or raw sugar, and or honey, or stevia, and agave syrup, but the amounts used is very sparingly.

Have drinks made by yourself, using filtered water that's iced, have organic teas handy, or have lots of citrus fruits for your guest to squeeze in the cold water. For diabetics, they'll love that you'll have fresh water and fruits to make a drink out of, imagine if all they saw were a cooler filled with colas and artificial juices, they can't partake in that.

Grilling meats, trim the fat, or trim some, and leave some on for those that want it, same with chicken parts. Always remember, in this day and age, people are looking for healthier foods, even when invited to someone's party, they will be thinking, "I wonder if Linda has some low salt foods?" Or "I wonder if Jim has everything very salty?"

It is 2012, and the people are looking for healthy alternatives, if you have a few dishes with just veggies, you got your vegetarian crowd happy, and I'm telling you, you cannot go wrong having lots of fresh veggies on hand. And if you can, whip up a veggie chow mein, or a veggie lasagna, anyone can eat those. If you're grilling, get some sliced eggplants, brush some olive oil on it, sprinkle some herb and spice blends, it is very good.

And as a host, do not be offended if someone you have invited turns down your famous fried chicken, if that person says that he or she cannot eat lots of oily foods, do not take it personal, keep your emotions in check, because some people have health issues, and some people won't make it known for they may feel embarrassed. So to kill any embarrassing issues, find out right off the bat if anyone you are inviting has a health issue.

Happy Eating!

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