CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tsukenjo Lunch House Honolulu Hawaii

Photo Yelp
More on what local people in Hawaii love to eat, and that's a no brainer, plate lunches are tops because of the multitude of foods from the different people that make up these islands.

On Cooke Street in Honolulu right in town, Tsukenjo Lunch House has very tasty plates, the picture to the left comes from Yelp thankfully, as you can see the 2 scoops of rice and macaroni salad top row of plate, and then the entree that's a combination 3 entree plate with Roast Pork to the left, Shoyu Chicken in the middle, and Sweet and Sour Spareribs to the right. The dig is opened from 430am to 215pm weekdays. A simple eatery, so if you are visiting from the mainland, and you're in the area in Honolulu go and eat some local faves. Prices are reasonable, and if you aren't used to eating this much food, ask for a bag to take the rest to your hotel room.

Roast Pork can be considered French, American, Italian, and the Shoyu Chicken is considered Hawaiian Japanese, the Sweet Sour Spareribs is an Asian local thing. If you are on a low salt diet, these meals may not be for you, but you can ask the employees how much salt is in the meals, if it's not much and you can handle it, don't add any more high sodium condiments, usually plate lunch digs in Hawaii are already flavored

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