CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, April 19, 2012


This blog focuses on energy, because myself included have been eating lots of non nutritious foods as of late, and there's the lackidaisical feeling resulting from eating bad foods. Here's a basic list of foods to eat for sustained energy throughout the day.

WATER- Our bodies need to be hydrated, it keeps our body's temperature regulated, if our bodies overheat, it causes fatigue. Have you ever felt sluggish on a warm day, and then jumped into a cool swimming pool or ocean? The water has a cooling affect that gives the body some energy. Sweating is a key component in our everyday lives, it rids the body of waste. Without proper hydration, one can't sweat out the waste.

RAW ALMONDS- Find the best ones online or at farmers markets, a great source for monounsaturated fasts, omegas 3 and 6, this nut helps with mental focus. So if your mind gets fatigued your body will follow suit, raw almonds can be difficult to find, some almonds that are labeled raw are actually pasteurized, to kill bacteria.

BANANAS- Has lots of potassium, it is something that helps with your nerve and muscle function. Potassium can be lost in the body easily, by stress and overexertion during exercise. Keep bananas close by at work or during workouts. Making a banana smoothie is also a good idea for a cold drink.

Also apples, peaches, grapes and pineapples gives good sources of fiber, and the sugars in this fruits are easy to digest. Some diabetics will eat a good amount of fruit, but not processed sugars. Fibers from these fruits also help in digestion.

LENTILS- These are good fiber sources, filled with vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and is filled with carbohydrates and protein. Helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

DARK CHOCOLATE OR RAW CACAO- Good for antioxidants, it has sugars and fat, it must be eaten in moderation, also has caffein.

EGGS- Has high protein to help you get energized.

Other vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, sprouts, and broccoli are all good for energy boost. Remember overcooking them robs the nutrients that are vital, try to plan your meals better.

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