CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


It was a warm Spring afternoon, in April, around 1:15 pm; a week ago or so, I had taken notice of a lunch wagon on Lahainaluna Road, directly across the smoke stack, that historical landmark left behind by the Pioneer Mill, in fact this lunch wagon sat where part of the mill was located. Hmmm, oh it's a taco truck... well, I know that there's another guy down the street that has a taco truck sitting at the corner of Wainee and Lahainaluna Road. I wonder? Hmmm, I have to check it out one day I said to myself. And I finally did.

SONORA TACOS Lunch Wagon, it had style, the logo looked catchy, there was a table and a few chairs under an awning attached to the starboard side of the truck. I parked my sister's Rav 4, because I don't own a car right now ha ha. Like I said, it was a warm afternoon, and I was kinda hungry, and I love Mexican food, love it. I walked to the window, and there I was greeted by Chef Gil Castillo, this is my first meeting with chef ever. Though, he looked familiar somehow, well Lahaina... make that Maui is a small town, he looked familiar. Well continuing on with the story, Gil welcomes me, "Hi how are you?"

"Fine, my name is Ron, what's your name?"
"Gil," he said, with a warm smile. "Do you want to try our tacos?"
"Heck yeah Gil, you got fish tacos?"
"Yes we do, we have fish tacos, soft shell, do you want some?"
"Yeah gimmee two Gil."
"Okay Ron, I'll get you two fish tacos, you will like it."
I was sure I was gonna like it, why? You see, the thing I've learned about food in my short life, is that when you see a happy chef... you'll get good happy food, and if fish tacos isn't happy food, I don't know what is.

As me and Chef Gil conversed, I found out that he still holds another job to make ends meet, and that he and his wife saved up their money to get their lunch wagon, and they went to Los Angeles to pick it up. I mean they did their homework, this truck is cool, the art work is cool, the concept of simplicity and Mexican food is genius, nothing fancy, nothing hard to figure out, maybe if you don't understand Mexican? Well it's written in English too, so for the Mexican purist, or for us non-Mexican speaking peeps, the menu is easy to understand.

"Next week Ron, I'll give away some hot dogs for the kids, in Mexico we celebrate children at the end of the month, so for the kids, I'll give away some good hot dogs." That's great I told my new chef friend, hey givers are more successful than non-givers, and it is proven. Some of the greatest businesses in our country, started out small, and they gave back to the local community, businesses that gives back before they turn black ink generally speaking will always be successful somehow someway.

When my fish tacos came, it was time to head up the hill. It was excellent, the prices are reasonable for today's prices, after all the cost of foods has gone up, and it will continue to go up as oil prices skyrocket, expect food prices to follow. But Chef Gil Castillo and his wife does a fantastic job, they are hard workers, doing honest hard work, and for that, I give them my utmost respect! I mean, just starting any kind of business these days is a huge gamble, a huge risk somewhat, and if you get into the food biz, well, I tell you what, all I can say is Blessings to you, it is hard work. But, Chef Gil is so friendly, he knows his stuff, he and his wife are total business people. They are cooks, drivers, cleaners, marketing, advertising, front of the truck and back of the truck, I guess you can say Chef Gil and his wife, they are wearing many different hats. I hope they succeed, I really truly do. 

Chef Gil Castillo owner of SONORA TACOS Lunch Wagon 310 Lahainaluna Rd. Across Smoke Stack; Hours 10am to 3pm MONDAY THRU FRIDAY; SATURDAYS 10am to 3pm.

"WHAT'S IN Ur Tortilla"
Simply the Best

Tacos run 2.75 to 3.50, you get Carne Asada (grilled meat), Chicken, Al Pastor (Pork), Lengua (Beef Tongue), Birria (Slow Cooked Meat), Fish, Shrimp.

Burritos run 7.95

Quesadillas 3.50- 5.00

Combos served with Rice and Beans 7.95 to 8.95

Tortas (Sandwich) 7.95

Hot Dogs 3.00 Wrapped with Bacon.

Weekdays Special Monday Kahuna Fish Taco 4.95 (That's the big one on the top) I'm telling you, the food is awesome here, fresh tasting, and it is done with friendly love and aloha from Chef Gil Castillo and his wife. I won't tell you more, make that drive to the Sonora Tacos Lunch Wagon soon, you will not be disappointed! And eating there, you'll keep the money in the local economy, and that my friends, cannot be beat.

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