CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, April 27, 2012

When Times Get Better

I'm not whining, not complaining, life took a turn for the financial worse in 2007, a physical setback landed me in the hospital for 24 ours of tests, and observation. And no insurance. Wow! That one day cost me almost 13,000.00, and I still owe on it.

So trying to make a comeback is what I'm about at this moment in time, trying to get projects out, seeing if there's any interested investors you know? And it's a tough animal to capture, she keeps looking like a good catch only to run away into the hills or the woods...always I'm at the drawing board, wanna quit, but can't.

Well when times get better for me, like when I start making more money, and can get a house once again, for sure there's going to be a nice kitchen, updated with all the modern devices, modern setup, larger room for storing stuff, and more room for roaming around and hosting family and close friends. My kitchen is gonna be my playground.

So what kind of stuff am I going to make? For sure, I'll cook more healthy meals, more grilled items, and more raw items, does this make sense? But I really want to get back into cutting my own meats and fish again. It was always a challenge for me, my hands were always herky jerky, but just for the hobby of cooking, I'd have a huge prep area for cutting up meats, and fish.

I'd delve in some of my favorite cuisines, one is Indian cooking, I'd really want to do that. And then there's the other Asian cooking I love to do but haven't for years. Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino cooking. Also the basic American dishes that actually is influenced by other Euro countries, like France, Italy, and South America, Mexico and the like. Shit why don't I just say, "I wanna cook the whole fucking world!"

Okay, "I wanna cook the whole fucking world!" That's what I'd do.

But today, it's still at the drawing board, I have to find out what will truly work for me in the now, not down the road. And network, network, and network. Networking can land me possibly the funding I need to get off the ground. I always look at the big picture, I'm good with big picture thinking, but I always need a dose of reality thinking, and focused thinking. 

Now in this stage of my life, I look back and man, a lot of things were there for me for the taking, but well life is life, and I chose to go my own way which was the wrong way. But it is a learning thing for certain. Now when I see the younger crowd do what I did, I shake my head, "Hey you don't need to go down that path," I'd say. And of course they all look at me like I'm some dud. But when you're young, you do things that you think is right for you, but when the flames of getting burned and broke hits you, it'll either make you want to succeed, keep on trying, or be a fucking bum in some alley drinking his life away. Not me, not me. I'm broker than broke, but I know God is there, just have to keep chipping away at that stone called life, and then possibly that break I been looking for, that one solid connection can set me free to work at what I do best.

The moral of this story? Keep on going and don't give up.

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