CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So you sit in a Starbucks with your friends Bob and Jim, talking about trying to become a business owner. The three of you are aware that the economy isn't all that right now, but you also watch business news shows, you follow what's happening on Wall Street Journal .Com, you realize that there are people right now as I write this blog that are actually raising capital to start a business. You also realize your friend Mike who's wife was always into clothing and fashion just opened up a fashion boutique across the highway. Hmm, we can do that, you guys are thinking, well not open up a clothing boutique but maybe...hmm, a sports bar or restaurant?

Of course a food and drink establishment, the three of you are food lovers, your wives loves cooking and wine, Bob is a big fan of Andrew Richman, you love to watch Rachel Ray, Jim read the In N Out Burger story why of course, a food establishment is what God has in store for you guys of course! Bingo!

Here is my tip for those of you thinking that owning a restaurant will be easy, and I'm telling you, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Oh don't get me wrong, but just remember this, the food or restaurant business is a very very tough animal to tame, and if you haven't even worked in a pro kitchen, or haven't the slightest idea how to manage people? I would suggest you do not even put a penny of thought in investing in a food establishment. Here are some questions to ask yourself, and oh by the way the picture at the top is used cooking oil from a deep fryer, a friend of mine who is a front of the house manager had to clean the deep fryer because the cook didn't show up, he had to run back and forth to the front taking orders, and yep going in the back to plate up food and fast. First look at that fucking used oil, and imagine the fucker stinks as well. Remember I said can you handle people? I'd kill the bastard that called in sick on the most busiest of days. Hmmm.

Here's some questions you better ask yourself.

Can I work 100 days straight 24 hours a day? (When you own your restaurant buddy boy, it'll consume your ass!)

You know what FIFO means?

How about Par?

How to order when your dig is busy? (Dealing with your purveyors)

Are you good with negotiating?

Are you a thin skinned girly man?

Ready to be sued? Hmmm, it happens you know.

Know your employer and employee laws?

How to scout out a location for the food you're serving?

Hate sweating?

Will you flirt with your cute waitresses? (because the restaurant biz is where a lot of marriages fall apart buds)

Are you and the boys gonna drink your profits at the bar when it's closed?

How much can you trust your business associates?

How much do you know about business period can you  tell me what it is all about?

Do you know who to screen your possible executive chef that will be in charge of creating your dishes?

Your surfer dude waiter, that's right that young stud dude has a thing for Rachel your sexy wife, and she loves his flirts, how do you handle that, are you the guy that thinks KILL, HOMICIDE, MURDER, MISSING WAITER?

Okay that's just a few fucking questions to ask yourself, if you are thinking of becoming a restaurateur. 

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