CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The Summertime is upon us, warm to hot Summer days, beaches and pools, kids, family, vay cays, it is all part of the Summertime and oh before I forget... food! Oh yes, grilling time is here, and for me, there's nothing better than having friends get together, sitting around a hot kiawe grill, cooking up tasty proteins. But in today's blog, I'll give you a killer hamburger recipe that I ripped off from a friend I met driving around in Kapalua. I wanted to get his picture with his wife, but he instructed me "Ron, do not put my picture or my wife's on the net, you can take the recipe, but no pics and no real names." Apparently my friends are in some witness protection program.

Okay let's call him Jim and Joan. Jim is a huge ass son of a bitch! His wife, blonde, and has a tattoo of a girl with a bikini top riding a Harley. Wo! Don't fuck with these two. Okay Jim gives me a recipe for a great Hamburger mix, but I tweaked it a little bit.

Heat up your *Kiawe grill. (Jim uses Mesquite)

5 lbs. of freshly ground Angus Chuck, has to be well marbled
1 lb. of hog fat or unseasoned raw bacon
1 cup onion powder
1/4 cup garlic powder
1/3 cup cayenne pepper
1/2 cup white pepper
3 cups of sour cream
1 cup minced chives
4 large eggs
2 cups of bread crumbs

Mix well, let sit in the fridge for one day, that's right, Jim is serious, let the flavors come together for 24 hours, and then form 1/4 pounders, and then grill them up, stick them in between buttered buns and eat!

But here's the simplistic trick says Jimmy.

"You get salt and pepper shaker, put 1/2 salt 1/2 black pepper in there mix it up very good. as the burgers start to cook on the grill, you sprinkle it on the patties, salt and  pepper is simple and it makes the beef stand out, do not over cook them."

We sampled these, and it is  totally moist. Though we did not use fresh ground Chuck, we got fatty Chuck, and some belly pork.  You know, the fatter the content, the tastier the burgers, man the only thing I subbed was Jimmy used lots of hot sauce, I subbed with 1/3 cup of cayenne pepper.

Happy Eating my friends, and please share a foodie story.


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