CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, July 26, 2012


For you that are owners of a restaurant, or you wannabe owners. Once you open your doors, or pull up the shades at the counter, you are ready for your first sale. The importance of exceptional service is part of the value you offer your customers. Always value, that way they'll come back for more. Friendly service, smile, getting to know customers by their first names means a lot. It shows that you care, and that their visits are noticed. Oh yeah, you better serve great food first, but after that service is everything.

If you need some tips on selling your product, well something's wrong, that means you don't believe in your product. If you know your product, and believe in it, that's all you really need. If you aren't satisfied with your 1/2 pound chicken burrito that you serve, well that means you don't have any confidence in it, if I owned a restaurant, and I had a lousy burrito that didn't taste great, I myself would hesitate to sell it. So get your foods tasting great so that you can actually pick up that burrito and eat it all in front of your customers. If you believe in your food and you can eat it, or serve it to your family then you've won the battle. "Hey try our 1/2 pound chicken burrito, it's great, 2 cheeses, grilled chicken breast over Kiawe wood, cilantro, and sour cream and chives butter! How's that?"

Here's some books I want you to read on selling and service, The Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffery Gittomer. Also by Jeffery The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. Jeffery's books are simple and cuts to the chase, he tells it like it is. I read most of his books also one that you need is the Little Black Book of Connections: 6.5 Assets for networking your way to Rich relationships.

Greet your customers, explain your menu even if you are selling a couple of items. A great salesperson will get into everything about that cup of 12 oz. coffee, from the beans, where did it come from, how it was shipped, how it is ground up, and how it is brewed with the right temperature of filtered water, to the recycled coffee cups, and how every .25 cents will go to help kids in India find drinking water. Know your know, or else kiss your biz good bye, I mean it, the more you know your product, you can bank. I mean if I went to a coffee kiosk and the guy selling it didn't tell me hi, didn't acknowledge me, and didn't know squat about the coffee, I'm walking baby!

Remember last time I checked, human beings are the ones still walking into restaurants, not robots, so act humane, and treat people right, even if the guy comes across like a fucking dick, or the woman comes across like a fucking bitch! Be nice, take the high road all of the time, and sorry for my bad words, forgive me Lord. But sometimes you guys need to be spoken to in your own language!

Service, service and more service, make this your every day ritual, if you have teammates then hold each other accountable for being nice, make wagers, if one of you snaps at a customer, you throw 10 bucks into that empty mayonnaise jar. And if you have that empty mayonnaise jar for tips, be nice and more than likely you'll get that gratuity, don't give up being kind to your customers, if 5 people didn't tip you, the next one very well might. So heads up, be nice and get those tips, fill your apron pockets with cash, remember the lazy will not eat, but the hard worker always prospers, the hard worker has more chances of being lucky or blessed, because action produces, and inaction does not.

If you need help in creating a great customer service program for your restaurant, contact me, I'm on Maui, maybe Vegas, but if you're having trouble with your staff not producing, I'll help you out, I can draw up a plan by just corresponding via email or phone, no charges, I'm here to shed some light on the weary.

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